Saint Paul of Luanda from a Joan-Johannes Blaeu
book published in Amsterdam in 1645

European boat engraved by a kongo
craftsman on an ivory tusk,
(probably early XIXth century -
National Museum of African Art)
> African Archaeology Virtual Library - since 2005 the African Archaeology
web site is also included in the WWW Virtual Library History Central
Catalogue : Bibliography of Angola - Bibliography of DRC - Bibliography
of Congo - Bibliography on the palaeo-environment of Central Africa.
> Africana Linguistica : Africana Linguistica is dedicated to the study of
African languages with special focus on Bantu. The journal welcomes
original descriptive, historical and typological papers in phonetics /
phonology, morphology, syntax, lexicology and semantics.
> African Languages and Cultures at Ghent University.
> Afrika-Vereniging van de Universiteit Gent (AVRUG): African Languages
and Cultures at Ghent University
> Afriterra : Cartographic Library and Archive assembling and preserving
the original rare maps of Africa. See "continent", "south" and
"central" for maps relating to the Kongo kingdom.
> Atlas of Mutual Heritage : maps, drawings, prints and paintings of
locations related to the Dutch East India Company (Verenigde Oost-
Indische Compagnie, VOC) and the West-Indische Compagnie (WIC)
> Belgian Association of Africanists (BVA / ABA). "Depuis 1984 la BVA/ABA
rassemble les africanistes belges de toutes les disciplines en sciences
humaines à travers la frontière linguistique et les frontières
> Centre for Studies in African Humanities (CESAH) : a forum of interaction
to all researchers affiliated with the Faculty of Arts and Philosophy of Ghent
University who carry out research in and on Africa.
> Crossroads of Empires blog. We are a team of archaeologists, historians and
anthropologists studying the Niger Valley where it borders Niger and Bénin
(West Africa). We are carrying out new excavations and research to shed
more light on the people that inhabited the area between about 1200
and 1850 AD.
> Gents Afrika Platform (GAP). The Ghent Africa Platform (GAP) is an umbrella
organisation of several, sometimes very diverse, ‘actors' belonging to the
Ghent University Association (AUGent), which focus on the African continent
(and/or on the African Diaspora).
> Heritage of Portuguese Influence/ Património de Influência Portuguesa.
This portal is the natural evolution of the project "Portuguese Heritage
around the World: architecture and urbanism" directed by José Mattoso and
undertaken by the Calouste Gulbenkian Foundation from 2007 to 2012.
> History, archaeology, and new genetics of the Transatlantic slave trade -
The EUROTAST network consists of ten partner institutions across
Europe and involves leading researchers from a wide range of disciplines,
including history, archaeology, social anthropology and population genetics
contributing to a better understanding of the history of the transatlantic
slave trade and its legacies today.
> International Council of African Museums
> John Thornton’s African Texts
(Cavazzi, “Missione evangelica al Regno de Congo”; Antonio Franco,
Synopsis Annalium Societatis Jesu in Lusitania ab 1540 usque
ad annum 1725; Roboredo, Kikongo Sermo)
> KongoLinks : bibliography of first hand accounts about the Kongo
kingdom between the XVth and the XIXth centuries
> Kwilu Bantu : Documentation of cultural heritage in three endangered Bantu
languages of the Kwilu (DRC)
> Project KONGOKING: Political centralization, economic integration and language
evolution in Central Africa: An interdisciplinary approach to the early history
of the Kongo kingdom
> REFLEX : The Reflex project aims to provide the scientific community with
a Reference Lexicon for African languages, as well as various tools for
processing and analyzing this corpus.
> Slavery Images : The Atlantic Slave Trade and Slave Life in the
Americas: A Visual Record (very good copies of engravings from the
XVth century onwards).
> Society for Historical Archaeology - Formed in 1967, the Society for Historical
Archaeology (SHA) is the largest scholarly group concerned with the archaeology
of the modern world (A.D. 1400-present). The main focus of the society is the
era since the beginning of European exploration.
> Society for Post-Medieval Archaeology - The SPMA was founded in 1966
with the aim of promoting the archaeology of late medieval to industrial
society in Britain, Europe and those countries influenced by European
> Society of Africanist Archaeologists (SAFA) - The Society of Africanist
Archaeologists is an organization of archaeologists, researchers
from associated disciplines and others who share an interest in African
archaeology and African societies
> WEB Bibliography for African Languages and Linguistics ( WEB-BALL)
Maybe the largest database on African languages on the web.
Created and curated by the LLACAN team (Langage, Langues et Cultures
d'Afrique Noire - UMR 8135 du CNRS)
> Web Resources for African Languages - These pages contain links to other
sites hosting free stuff, be they downloadable files (of any format), web-readable
texts, searchable databases, or whatever. Particular attention is given to materials
that contain structural/descriptive data, though not exclusively so.
> Worldmap : WorldMap is being developed by the Center for Geographic
Analysis at Harvard University (United States).