SAFA 2016

Bantu 6 - 2016

InArt Ghent - 2016

ACAL 47 - 2016

XVth Nordic TAG 2015

University College London
Centre for Research into
the Dynamics of Civilisation
- 2015

Séminaire du Laboratoire
Dynamique du Language,
Lyon - 2015

9th symposium of the
Ghent Africa Platform –
GAPSYM9 - 2015

8th World Congress of
African Linguistcs, Kyoto
University - 2015
KONGOKING : Publications
| Journal articles | Master & PhD theses | Conference papers |
| Conference posters | Books |
- 2016:
- 2015:
- 2014:
- 2013:
- 2012:
> Bostoen (K.), The KongoKing project (2012-2016): An archaeological and linguistic approach to the origins and history of the Kongo Kingdom, 6th International Conference on Bantu Languages, University of Helsinki (Finland), 20-23 June 2016.
> Bostoen (K.) & de Schryver (G.-M.), 17th century Kikongo is not the ancestor of present-day Kikongo, 6th International Conference on Bantu Languages, University of Helsinki (Finland), 20-23 June 2016.
> Clist (B.), Cranshof (E.), Matonda (I.), Polet (C.), Sengeløv (A.), Steyaert (F.), Verhaeghe (C.), Bostoen (K.), The living and the dead of the Kongo kingdom: Cemeteries and Settlement Organisation of the 16th-18th Centuries, 23rd Biennal Meeting of the Society of Africanist Archaeologists: "What past for Africa ?", Session 31, Toulouse (France), June 26 / July 2 2016.
> Coccato (A.), Rousaki (A.), Costa (M.), Clist (B.), Bostoen (K.), Moens (L.) & Vandenabeele (P.), Combined historical, archaeological, and archaeometrical approaches to understand glass beads from the Kongo Central province, Democratic Republic of Congo (DRC), 2nd International Conference on innovation in art research and technology (InArt), Ghent (Belgium) 21-25 March 2016.
> Costa (M.), Barrulas (P.), Clist (B.), Karklins (K.), Jesus (M.P.), Domingos (S.), Lopes (M.C.), Vandenabeele (P.), Candeias (A.) & Mirao (J.), 17th to 19th century european glass beads from Mbanza Kongo (Angola): Composition and Technology, 23rd Biennal Meeting of the Society of Africanist Archaeologists: "What past for Africa ?", Session 31, Toulouse (France), June 26 / July 2 2016.
> Cranshof (E.), Clist (B.), Matonda (I.), de Maret (P.), & Bostoen (K.), Ceramic sequence for Kindoki (Central Kongo, DRC): New Perspectives on the History of the Kongo Kingdom from its Northern Fringes, 23rd Biennal Meeting of the Society of Africanist Archaeologists: "What past for Africa ?", Session 31, Toulouse (France), June 26 / July 2 2016.
> de Maret (P.), Clist (B.), Cranshof (E.), Matonda (I.), Thornton (J.), Bostoen (K.), Origins of the Kongo kingdom: confronting the evidence, 23rd Biennal Meeting of the Society of Africanist Archaeologists: "What past for Africa ?", Session 31, Toulouse (France), June 26 / July 2 2016.
> Dom (S.), Goes (H.), de Schryver (G.-M.), & Bostoen (K.), Multiple Reciprocity Marking in the Kikongo Language Cluster: Functional Distribution and Origins, 6th International Conference on Bantu Languages, University of Helsinki (Finland), 20-23 June 2016.
> Dom (S.), Kulikov (M.) & Bostoen (K.), The Middle in Bantu, 6th International Conference on Bantu Languages, University of Helsinki (Finland), 20-23 June 2016.
> Dom (S.), de Schryver (G.-M.) & Bostoen (K.). Tense and aspect in Proto-Kikongo: A formal and semantic reconstruction. 47th Annual Conference on African Linguistics, University of California, Berkeley, March 23-26, 2016.
> Goes (H.), de Schryver (G.-M.) & Bostoen (K.), A Diachronic Phonological Approach to the Internal Classification of the Kikongo Language Cluster: The Case of Vowel Height Harmony, 6th International Conference on Bantu Languages, University of Helsinki (Finland), 20-23 June 2016.
> Goes (H.), de Schryver (G.-M.) & Bostoen (K.). The Reconstruction of Proto-Kikongo Segmental Phonology: The Case of Vowel Height Harmony. 47th Annual Conference on African Linguistics, University of California, Berkeley, March 23-26, 2016.
> Jesus (M.P.), Clist (B.), Lopes (M.C.), Barreira (J.), Cranshof (E.), Domingos (S.), Gomes (P.), Karklins (K.), Mirao (J.) & Bostoen (K.), Connections between center and periphery of the Kongo kingdom: A test case from Angola, 23rd Biennal Meeting of the Society of Africanist Archaeologists: "What past for Africa ?", Session 31, Toulouse (France), June 26 / July 2 2016.
> Kaumba Mazanga (M.), Clist (B.) & Livingstone-Smith (A.), Identification of a new type of pottery in the region of Ngongo Mbata (Central Kongo province, Democratic Republic of Congo), 23rd Biennal Meeting of the Society of Africanist Archaeologists: "What past for Africa ?", Session 29, Toulouse (France), June 26 / July 2 2016.
> Mirao (J.), Tsoupra (A.), Rosado (L.), Cranshof (E.), Clist (B.), Gomes (P.), Lopes (M.C.), Domingos (S.), Jesus (M.P.), Material characterization of the 16th to 18th century pottery from Mbanza Kongo (Angola), 23rd Biennal Meeting of the Society of Africanist Archaeologists: "What past for Africa ?", Session 31, Toulouse (France), June 26 / July 2 2016.
> Riquier (B.), & Dom (S.), What's in a Name? A Comparative Study of Kikongo Dialects Also Known as "Sundi", 6th International Conference on Bantu Languages, University of Helsinki (Finland), 20-23 June 2016.
> Saelens (D.), Clist (B.), Van Pevenage (J.), Vandenabeele (P.), Bostoen (K.), Clay smoking pipes of the Kongo kingdom: A Combined Historical, Archaeological and Archaeometric Approach Gives Us a Glimpse into Trade Networks of the 17th and 18th Centuries, 23rd Biennal Meeting of the Society of Africanist Archaeologists: "What past for Africa ?", Session 31, Toulouse (France), June 26 / July 2 2016.
> Bostoen (K.), Clist (B.), de Maret (P.) & de Schryver (G.-M.). Linguistic and archaeological perspectives on population dynamics in the Lower Congo: Matches and mismatches. XVth Nordic TAG conference, Copenhagen University, 16-18 April 2015.
> Bostoen (K.), Clist (B.), de Maret (P.) & de Schryver (G.-M.). Decentering Kongo History: Recent Archaeological and Linguistic Insights from the Lower Congo Province of the DRC. UCL CREDOC (University College London Centre for Research into the Dynamics of Civilisation), United Kingdom, 5-6 November 2015.
> Bostoen (K.), Clist (B.) & de Schryver (G.-M.). Archaeo-linguistic perspectives on Bantu language and population dynamics in the Lower Congo region. Séminaire du Laboratoire Dynamique du Language, Lyon, France, 12 June 2015.
> Brinkman (I.), Knowledge = Power. Politics and formal education in the precolonial Kongo kingdom. Leiden University, Netherlands, 23 April 2015.
> Clist (B.), Mobility, cosmopolitanism, and trade networks in the Kongo kingdom: An introduction, GAPSYM 9: Trading places: The role of trade with Africa, Ghent University, Belgium, 17 December 2015.
> de Schryver (G.-M.). The Phylogenetic Classification of the Kikongo Language Cluster (KLC) and the Reconstruction of Language Dynamics in the Lower Congo. Joint EVALISA-KongoKing Workshop on Linguistic Reconstruction, Ghent University, Belgium, 23 April 2015.
> de Schryver (G.-M.). DIY Digital Humanities (KongoKing Case Study). DH Showcase, Library Lab, Faculty of Arts and Philosophy, Ghent University, Belgium, 4 May 2015.
> de Schryver (G.-M.) & Clist (B.). The origins of the Kongo Kingdom: (conflicting) insights from linguistics and archaeology. John K. Thornton & KongoKing Workshop, Ghent University, Belgium, 27-28 May 2015.
> de Schryver (G.-M.), Grollemund (R.), Branford (S.) & Bostoen (K.). Bantu Diachronic Phylogenetics: A case study for the Kikongo Language Cluster. Capturing Phylogenetic Algorithms for Linguistics, Lorentz Center (International Center for Workshops in the Sciences), Leiden, 26-30 October 2015.
> Goes (H.), de Schryver (G.-M.) & Bostoen (K.). A quantitative and spatial analytical study of micro-variation in the Kikongo language cluster. 8th World Congress of African Linguistics, Kyoto University, Japan, 21-24 August 2015.
> Matonda (I.), Déconstruire les modèles: la démographie du bassin de l'Inkisi à l'époque du royaume Kongo (16-18e siècle). Ecole des Hautes Etudes en Sciences Sociales, Paris, 3 March 2015.
> Bostoen (K.), Kikongo: Ongoing research and potentialities for future research on the Gulf of Guinea Creoles. Workshop on the Origins and Development of Creole Societies in the Gulf of Guinea, Faculdade de Letras da Universidade de Lisboa, September 4-5, 2014.
> Bostoen (K.), de Maret (P.), Clist (B.) & de Schryver (G.-M.), Probing the Kongo Past: New Archaeological and Linguistic Insights (2014 Gwendolen M. Carter Conference), Kongo Atlantic Dialogues: Kongo culture in Central Africa and in the Americas, 21-22 February 2014, Center for African Studies, University of Florida, Gainesville, United States.
June kman (I.), Interpreters in the Kongo Kingdom, 16th-19th Century, Paper presented at the Robert Ross Valedictory Workshop, 17-18 September 2014, Leiden, The Netherlands.
> Clist (B.), Cranshof (E.), de Schryver (G.-M.), Herremans (D.), Karklins (K.), Matonda (I.), Steyaert (F.), & Bostoen (K.), The Ngongo Mbata archaeological site (Lower-Congo Province, DRC): A 16th-18th century commercial center of the Kongo kingdom, 14th Congress of the Pan African Archaeological Association for Prehistory and Related Studies and 22nd Biennal meeting of the Society of Africanist Archaeologists 14-18 July 2014, Johannesburg, South Africa.
> Clist (B.), Cranshof (E.), Karklins (K.), Polet (C.), Sengeløv (A.), Steyaert (F.), Verhaeghe (C.), & Bostoen (K.), The Kindoki archaeological site (Lower-Congo Province, DRC): The 18th – early 19th century cemetery, 14th Congress of the Pan African Archaeological Association for Prehistory and Related Studies and 22nd Biennal meeting of the Society of Africanist Archaeologists 14-18 July 2014, Johannesburg, South Africa.
> Cranshof (E.), A new pottery style in Lower Congo, the ceramic assemblage of trenches 23 and 28 at Kindoki, 14th Congress of the Pan African Archaeological Association for Prehistory and Related Studies and 22nd Biennal meeting of the Society of Africanist Archaeologists 14-18 July 2014, Johannesburg, South Africa.
> De Kind (J.), On word order change in Kikongo (Bantu H16), with special focus on southern and southwestern varieties, 44th Colloquium on African Languages and Linguistics, Leiden University, the Netherlands, 25-27 August 2014.
> De Kind (J.), Word order in Kikongo (H16): on the origins of a preverbal focus position and the pragmatic neutralization of SOV, Workshop on the Syntax/Phonology/Information Structure of Preverbal Domains in Bantu Languages, November 14-15 2014, Zentrum für Allgemeine Sprachwissenschaft, Berlin, Germany.
> de Maret (P.), Bostoen (K.), Clist (B.) & de Schryver (G.-M.), Ancient Kongo: New Insights into its Past. Kongo, Power & Majesty Meeting, Williamstown, USA, 28 February 2014.
> de Maret (P.) Clist (B.), Livingstone-Smith (A.), Cranshof (E.), Kaumba Mazanga (M.), Matonda (I.), Nikis (N.), Ricquier (B.), de Schryver (G.-M.) & Bostoen (K.), The KongoKing project: an interdisciplinary approach to the early history of the Kongo kingdom. 14th Congress of the Pan African Archaeological Association for Prehistory and Related Studies and 22nd Biennal meeting of the Society of Africanist Archaeologists 14-18 July 2014, Johannesburg, South Africa.
> de Schryver (G.-M.), Grollemund (R.), Branford (S.), & Bostoen (K.), Establishing the rate of language change in the Lower Congo Region: A phylogenetic approach to the diachronic Kikongo corpus. 47th Annual Meeting of the Societas Linguistica Europaea, Poznan, September 11-14, 2014.
> Drieghe (S.), The oldest Kakongo dictionary (1772): digitization and lexicographical analysis, 44th Colloquium on African Languages and Linguistics, Leiden University, the Netherlands, 25-27 August 2014.
> Nikis (N.), Copper ingots, polities, and exchange networks in Central Africa, 14th Congress of the Pan African Archaeological Association for Prehistory and Related Studies and 22nd Biennal meeting of the Society of Africanist Archaeologists 14-18 July 2014, Johannesburg, South Africa.
> Ricquier (B.), Proto- Bantu *-dung-, A Web of Power and Faith, 44th Colloquium on African Languages and Linguistics, Leiden University, the Netherlands, 25-27 August 2014.
> Bostoen (K.), de Schryver (G.-M.) & De Kind (J.), Nasal Prefix Evolution in Kikongo Between the 17th and 20th century, 5th International Conference on Bantu Languages, Institut National des Langues et Civilisations Orientales, Paris, France, 12-15 June 2013.
> Bostoen (K.), Ricquier (B.) & de Schryver (G.-M.), Power Talk: From Royal Kongo Words to Royal Kongo Origins, 5th International Conference on Bantu Languages, Institut National des Langues et Civilisations Orientales, Paris, France, 12-15 June 2013.
> Clist (B.), Bostoen (K.), Doumenge (C.), Hombert (J.-M.), Grollemund (R.), Koni Muluwa (J.) & Maley (J.), Impact of Late Holocene palaeoclimatic changes on the Bantu expansion: A multidisciplinary view. 5th International Conference on Bantu Languages, Institut National des Langues et Civilisations Orientales, Paris, France, 12-15 June 2013.
> De Kind (J.), Negation markers, focus markers and Jespersen cycles in Kikongo (Bantu, H16): a comparative and diachronic corpus-based approach, 5th Workshop on African Language Technology, Ghent University, Belgium, 6 December 2013.
> De Kind (J.), The augment and its correlation with tone cases: a diachronic Kikongo case study. 43rd Colloquium on African Languages and Linguistics, Leiden University, the Netherlands, 26-28 August 2013.
> De Kind (J.), de Schryver (G.-M.) & Bostoen (K.), Preverbal Focus Strategies in Kikongo: A preliminary typology, 5th International Conference on Bantu Languages, Institut National des Langues et Civilisations Orientales, Paris, France, 12-15 June 2013.
> De Kind (J.), Devos (M.), de Schryver (G.-M.) & and Bostoen (K.). Negation markers, focus markers and Jespersen cycles in Kikongo (Bantu, H16): a comparative and diachronic corpus-based approach. Workshop on Information Structure in Bantu, Humboldt University of Berlin, Germany, 10-11 December 2013.
> De Kind (J.), Dom (S.), de Schryver (G.-M.) & Bostoen (K.), Fronted-infinitive Constructions, Progressive Aspect and Predication Focus in Kikongo, 46th Annual Meeting of the Societas Linguistica Europaea, Split University, Croatia, 18–21 September 2013.
> de Schryver (G.-M.), Building a hybrid set of diachronic Kikongo corpora, 5th Workshop on African Language Technology, Ghent University, Belgium, 6 December 2013.
> de Schryver (G.-M.), Grollemund (R.) & Bostoen (K.), A Diachronic Phylogenetic Approach to the Internal Classification of the Kikongo Group. The 43rd Colloquium on African Languages and Linguistics, Leiden University, the Netherlands, 26-28 August 2013.
> de Schryver (G.-M.), Grollemund (R.), De Kind (J.) & Bostoen (K.), Language Dynamics in the Lower Congo Region of Central-Africa: A Phylogenetic Approach, The 21st International Conference on Historical Linguistics, University of Oslo, Norway, 5-9 August 2013.
> Dom (S.) & Bostoen (K.), Microvariation in the expression of tense and aspect in the Kikongo dialect continuum. 43rd Colloquium on African Languages and Linguistics, Leiden University, the Netherlands, 26-28 August 2013.
> Drieghe (S.), How to classify Cilinji & Kizobe, two poorly documented Kikongo varieties? 43rd Colloquium on African Languages and Linguistics, Leiden University, the Netherlands, 26-28 August 2013.
> Ricquier (B.), de Schryver (G.-M.), De Kind (J.) & Bostoen (K.), A Diachronic Corpus for African Languages: The Exceptional Case of Kikongo, The 21st International Conference on Historical Linguistics, University of Oslo, Norway, 5-9 August 2013.
> Bostoen (K.), Grollemund (R.), de Schryver (G.-M.), De Kind (J.), Dom (S.) & Bleyenberg (E.), Kikongo dialect continuum: internal and external classification. The Niger-Congo International Congress, Paris, September 18-21, 2012: http://www.nigercongo.com/
> Clist (B.), Bostoen (K.) & de Schryver (G.-M.), The KongoKing research project – origins of the Kongo kingdom (Republic of Congo / Democratic Republic of Congo / Republic of Angola): first results of the 2012 field season, African Archaeological Research Days (3rd – 4th November 2012), University of Southampton, United Kingdom.
> De Kind (J.), de Schryver (G.-M.) & Bostoen (K.), Bantu Forensic Lexicography: a Kikongo case study. 17th International Conference of the African Association for Lexicography, University of Pretoria, South Africa, 2-5 July 2012. Pdf abstract here.